IBM VEST Workshops

111: IBM watsonx Code Assistant (WCA) for Z Environment Setup


The goal of this lab is to reserve, access and configure the IBM watsonx Code Assistant (WCA) for Z Environment for use for the next labs.

Reserve Demo Environment

  1. Reserve the demo environment here. Demo reservations should be submitted a day in advance. The reservation is accessible for up to a few days.

Access & Configure Environment

  1. Once you have received the web access point and credentials to your demo environment, open the web access point and input the credentials. Next, press the Sign in button.
  1. After you login, if a window opens up on the virtual machine, close the window by pressing the X button in the top right corner to bring you back to the desktop of the virtual machine.

Congratulations, you have reached the end of lab 111.

Click, lab 112 to start next lab.