Evaluate an AI model
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Evaluate an AI model
- To learn how to evaluate a generative AI model, continue to Evaluate a generative AI model
- To learn how to evaluate a predictive AI model, continue to Evaluate a predictive AI model
Evaluate a generative AI model
In this lab, you will evaluate a generative AI model using the Generative AI Quality evaluation dimension.
Evaluate the model
Download the claim_summarization_validation.csv evaluation data file to your local machine.
In the IBM watsonx platform, click on the Navigation Menu in the upper left to expand it. Locate and click on Deployments.
Select the deployment space you created in lab 105 (ex.
<your initials or unique string> - Claim summary testing
). -
Click on the Deployments tab and select the deployment you created in lab 105 (ex.
<your initials or unique string> - Claim summarization
- Click on the Evaluations tab of the deployment information screen and then click the Evaluate button to open the Evaluate prompt template window.
- The Select dimensions to evaluate section of the window shows the different evaluations available. Currently, Generative AI Quality is the only one available for this particular prompt template. Click on the Advanced settings link.
Take a moment to scroll through the Generative AI Quality settings screen to see the different metrics that will be measured as part of the quality evaluation, and the alert thresholds set for each. Note that these thresholds can be fully-customized on a per-model basis, allowing risk managers to make sure their models comply with regulatory standards. The metrics include quality measurements such as precision, recall, and similarity, as well as personally identifiable information (PII) and hateful, aggressive, and profane (HAP) content detection for both model input and output. For more information on the individual metrics, see the watsonx.governance documentation.
Click Cancel to return to the Evaluate prompt template window.
Click Next and drag and drop the claim_summarization_validation.csv file you downloaded in a previous step in this lab to the upload section on the screen, or browse to it.
Click on the Input dropdown, and select Insurance_Claim from the list. Click on the Reference output dropdown, and select Summary from the list. Click Next.
- Click Evaluate to start the evaluation, which can take up to a few minutes to run. Note that if the evaluation fails, re-running it will usually complete successfully.
You have successfully ran an evaluation on a generative AI model.
Review the evaluation results
- When the evaluation is complete, scroll down to the Generative AI Quality - Text summarization section. The different quality metrics are listed here, with the model's score and any alert threshold violations. Click the arrow icon for more information on the quality metrics.
- The detailed view for quality shows the different metrics over time; as more evaluations are performed, these graphs will update with the additional data points. Note that clicking on the Time settings link allows you to adjust the time window for the evaluations you would like to see. Scroll down to the sections for the different metrics. Note that you can click to expand the sections for a more detailed view of each metric.
- When you are finished viewing the quality metrics, scroll back to the top of the screen and click on the Model health tab. Take a moment to review this tab, which contains historical data for health metrics such as latency, throughput, number of users, and more. This information can be vital for an organization's infrastructure and engineering teams ensuring that the models are responding to application and user requests in a reasonable amount of time, and keeping compute costs to acceptable levels. Note that you can click to expand the sections for a more detailed view of each metric.
You can also navigate to the Model Health tab by pressing the arrow to the right of Model Health on the Evaluations tab.
You have successfully reviewed an evaluation on a generative AI model.
View the updated lifecycle
- Click on the AI Factsheet tab, which will open the factsheet specific to the model deployment. Note that the model is still in the Validate portion of the model lifecycle.
- Scroll down to the Evaluation results section of the factsheet. The information from the model evaluation has been automatically stored in the factsheet, allowing stakeholders such as risk managers, business users, and AI engineers to access relevant information without requiring any manual effort from data scientists.
- Click on the Navigation Menu in the upper left to expand it. Locate the AI governance section of the menu, expanding it if necessary, and click on AI use cases.
- Select the AI use case you created in lab 102 (ex.
<your initials or unique string> - Claim summarization
) and click on the Lifecycle tab to view the lifecycle graph for this model's use case, which will reflect the same progress on the AI Factsheet. Note that the entry for the model is still in the Validate section of the model lifecycle view, with an updated badge showing that it has been evaluated. Click on the name of the deployed model (ex.<your initials or unique string> - Claim summarization
) in the Validate section.
Note that the information from the model evaluation that has been automatically stored on the AI Factsheet can also be accessed here as well.
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the More details arrow icon. The full factsheet for the base model opens, containing all the previous model metadata, as well as the metrics from the deployed version.
There is a quiz question on AI Factsheet.
You have successfully viewed the updated lifecycle from an evaluation on a generative AI model.
Congratulations, you've reached the end of lab 106 for evaluating a generative AI model and completed the L3 watsonx.governance labs
You can now complete the quiz for IBM watsonx.governance for Technical Sales Level 3 Quiz.
Once the quiz is completed, click, IBM watsonx.governance to go to the IBM watsonx.governance home page.
Evaluate a predictive AI model
In this lab, you will evaluate a predictive AI model using the Quality and Fairness evaluation dimensions.
Configure the deployment space for monitoring
In a separate tab in your browser, navigate to cloud resources and login to IBM Cloud.
Click on Watson OpenScale- under the AI / Machine Learning section.
- Click on Launch Watson OpenScale.
- Verify that you are signed into the correct account by clicking the avatar icon in the upper right corner of the screen. Ensure that the correct account is selected in the Account dropdown.
- Click on the Configure button on the left menu bar.
- From the Required section, click on Machine learning providers and then click on the Add machine learning provider button.
- Click on the pencil icon to edit the name of the machine learning provider. Give your provider a name that includes some identifying information and the purpose it will be used for (ex.
<your initials or unique string> - Auto policy risk test
), and click the blue Apply button.
- Click on the pencil icon in the Connection tile. Fill out the information below for the connection and then press the Save button:
- Service provider: Watson Machine Learning (V2).
- Deployment space: Select the deployment space you created in lab 105 (ex.
<your initials or unique string> - Policy risk testing
). - Environment type: Pre-production
You have successfully identified your deployment space as a machine learning provider for the monitoring service. You may now configure monitoring for the model itself.
Add the model to the dashboard
- Click on the Insights dashboard button on the left menu bar.
- Click on the blue Add to dashboard button. The Select a model deployment screen will open.
- Click on the Machine learning providers button. From the list of providers, select the one you created earlier in this lab (ex.
<your initials or unique string> - Auto policy risk test
) and then click Next.
From the list of deployed models, select the one you created in lab 105 (ex.
<your initials or unique string> - Policy risk testing
) and then click Next. -
The information on the Provide model information screen will be retrieved from the available model metadata. Click the View summary button, then click Finish. After a brief wait, the metrics overview screen for the model will open.
You have successfully added your model to the Insights dashboard.
Gather the necessary information
Configuring monitoring for the model will require sending some data to it, which in turn requires some information about the model subscription in the monitoring service. Note that this step would not normally be required; however, you will be monitoring the model for indirect bias, which requires sending metadata to the model that is not included as a feature.
- From the model metrics overview screen, click on the Actions button and select View model information from the dropdown menu.
Copy and paste the values for Evaluation datamart ID and Subscription ID into a text file, making sure to note which value is which. You will use these two values in a Jupyter notebook in the next step.
In a different browser window, navigate to the IBM Cloud API keys page for your account, signing in if necessary.
Click the Create button.
Give your API key a name and click Create. Click the Copy icon beneath your API key to copy it to your clipboard. Paste it into a text file for later use.
Send data to the model
- In your IBM watsonx platform browser window, click on the Navigation Menu in the upper left to expand it. Locate the Projects section of the menu, expanding it if necessary, and click on View all projects.
- Select your predictive AI project that you created in lab 103 (ex.
<your initials or unique string> - Auto policy risk
- Click on the Assets tab of the project. From the list of assets, locate the Send data to the model notebook. Click on the three dots to the right of it to open the options menu and select Edit. The watsonx Jupyter notebook editor will open.
Copy and paste the values you gathered in the previous steps into the first code cell, ensuring that they are contained within the quotation marks on each line.
Click the Cell item from the menu above the code cells and select Run All to run all the code cells. They should take roughly 30 seconds to complete.
If the code cells ran successfully, you should see a message below the bottom code cell similar to this:
If you received an error message, it is likely because you did not use the correct values in the first code cell. Double check that they are correct, then run all the code cells again. Once they run successfully, proceed to the next step.
You have successfully sent data to your model via a Jupyter notebook.
Connect to the training data
Next, you will configure the individual monitors for the model. Note that each deployed model can have its own custom metrics and alert thresholds configured, allowing administrators, compliance officers, and risk management professionals to ensure that the models meet all relevant regulations and internal requirements.
- In your IBM Watson OpenScale browser window, click on the Actions button and select Configure monitors from the dropdown menu.
- Click the Edit icon in the Training data tile.
Leave the Use manual setup option selected for Configuration method, and click Next.
Click on the Training data option dropdown, and click Database or cloud storage. Click on the Location dropdown, and click Cloud Object Storage. Get from lab host the values for the Resource instance ID and API key fields and then click on Connect.
- Click on the Bucket dropdown and click on the faststartlab-donodelete... bucket. Click on the Data set dropdown to select the policy_risk_openscale_train.csv file. Click Next.
The monitoring tool should correctly identify the feature and label columns, using the metadata stored with the model. Click Next.
The monitoring tool also correctly identifies the prediction field. Click View summary to continue.
Click Finish to save the training data setup.
You have successfully connected to the training data.
Configure the fairness monitor
- From the list of Evaluations on the left, click on Fairness.
- Note the description of fairness in the center of the screen, which gives a good definition of what the monitor is evaluating. Click on the Edit icon in the Configuration tile.
You will manually configure the fairness file. Leave Configure manually selected and click Next to proceed.
To properly monitor a model for unfair bias, you must specify which model outcomes are favorable and which are unfavorable. For binary classification models like a Risk vs. No Risk credit model, or a Hire vs. No Hire candidate screening model, these values are easy to determine. However, it's a bit more difficult for a regression model like the one in this lab. You will need to define ranges of outputs that represent favorable or unfavorable outcomes. Note that the monitoring tool has read in the training data, and helpfully filled in what the minimum and maximum values for RISK are in that dataset. For this use case, you will identify any score of 40 or higher as an unfavorable outcome. Use the number entry fields to enter a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 39, then click Add value. Use the checkbox to set the value to Favorable.
Repeat the previous step to add a second value, with a minimum value of 40 and a maximum value of 100 (the theoretical upper limit of the model output), then click Add value. Use the checkbox to set the value to Unfavorable, then click Next.
Set the Minimum sample size to 100 and click Next.
Leave the Selected monitored metrics set to Disparate impact and click Next.
Leave the lower and upper thresholds for Disparate impact set to their defaults, and click Next.
You now need to select which fields to monitor for fairness. IBM Watson OpenScale has analyzed the training data and suggested that PRIM_DRIVER_AGE and PRIM_DRIVER_GENDER be monitored, as based on their names and values they likely represent age and gender fields. However, for this use case, you will not need to monitor for these fields, as insurance companies have proven over time that male drivers, as well as drivers in certain age groups, present an elevated risk, and this data can therefore be legally used to set policy premiums. Use the checkboxes to deselect PRIM_DRIVER_AGE and PRIM_DRIVER_GENDER. Scroll to the bottom of the feature list, and check the box next to MINORITY, and click Next.
Use the checkboxes to specify MINORITY as the Monitored group and NON-MINORITY as the Reference group. Click Next.
- Use the default alert threshold (80), and click Save to finish configuring the fairness monitor.
You have successfully configured the fairness monitor for an evaluation.
Configure the quality monitor
From the list of Evaluations on the left, click on Quality.
Click the Edit icon on the Quality thresholds tile.
Leave the default lower and upper threshold values as they are. Note that you can click the Information icon to the right of each value for more information on how it is calculated. Click Next.
Set the Minimum sample size value to 100. Click Save to save the quality configuration.
You have successfully configured the quality monitor for an evaluation.
Configure the explainability service
- In the Explainability section on the left, click on General settings.
In the Explanation method tile, click on the Edit icon.
Two different methods are available for explanations: Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP) or Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME). As described in hint that appears when you click the Information box, SHAP often provides more thorough explanations, but LIME is faster. Leave the LIME method selected and click Save.
You have successfully configured the explainability service.
Run an evaluation
Download the policy_risk_openscale_eval.csv evaluation data file to your local machine.
In your IBM Watson OpenScale browser window, click on Go to model summary on the left.
- Click on the Actions button and select Evaluate now from the dropdown menu.
- Click the Import dropdown and choose from CSV file from the list of options. Drag and drop the downloaded evaluation CSV file into the designated area on your screen, or browse to it on your machine using the link, then click Upload and evaluate. When the monitor completes and the metrics are displayed, proceed to the next step.
Note: the evaluation can take up to several minutes to perform. If it fails for any reason, following the same steps and re-running the evaluation typically fixes the issue.
You have successfully run an evaluation for a predictive AI model.
View the evaluation results
Take a moment to review the results of the evaluation. Note that, based on the content of the random sample of the evaluation data, your results will vary each time you perform the evaluation.
Review the different metrics in the Quality tile. Notice that, if the measurement falls below the alert threshold set when you configured the quality monitor, the amount will be listed in the Violation column of the table. For a full explanation of the many different metrics used to calculate model quality, see this documentation page.
Next, look at the Fairness tile. Again, based on the content of the random sample of the evaluation data, your results will vary each time you perform the evaluation. In most cases, the model will show as fair, with no alerts for fairness issues. Click on the arrow icon on the Fairness tile for more information.
- Scroll down to the graph portion of the screen and take a moment to read and understand the How the disparate impact score was determined section, clicking on the View calculation link to see the specific calculation.
There is a quiz question on the fairness score metric.
- Look at the graph. The monitored group, colored purple in the screenshot, has a calculated fairness above the alert threshold (80%, the red line on the graph) that you configured when setting up the fairness monitor. Hovering your cursor over either bar of the graph will also show you the exact percentage of favorable outcomes the group received from the model.
- Scroll down to the Indirect bias: proxy features for MINORITY section at the bottom of the screen. In the screenshot below, note that the MINORITY tag is fairly strongly (0.38) correlated with proximity to HOTSPOT3, indicating that particular area with frequent auto accidents is likely located in an area of Chicago with a high minority population. Correlations like this can potentially cause unfair bias in AI models, causing them to discriminate against minorities even if ethnicity is not part of the training data set. However, if you click the Arrow icon to the left of the HOTSPOT3 label, you will note that (at least in the screenshot below) proximity to that hotspot did not lead to significantly more negative outcomes, meaning that it is not likely an important feature for determining the model's decision. If you wish to learn more about proxy features and correlation strength, click on the Information icons to the right of each measurement heading.
There is a quiz question on indirect bias.
- When you are finished reviewing the results, scroll to the top of the screen and click on the View payload transactions button.
You have successfully view the evaluation reults for quality and fairness.
Explain a prediction
Beyond meeting standards for quality and fairness, AI models in many cases are required to provide explanations into the decisions or predictions they make. For example, under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act in the United States and the European Union General Data Protection Regulation, people affected by an AI decision have the right to know specific reasons for the decision. The Right to explanation Wikipedia page provides several useful links with more information.
IBM watsonx.governance provides the ability to generate detailed explanations for predictive models using the algorithm you specified previously when configuring the explainability service.
- From the table of transactions, click one of the Explain prediction links. You may get more interesting results if you can find a prediction that is close to the threshold for unfavorable (39, as defined when configuring the fairness monitor). The explainability service will use the LIME algorithm to generate a detailed explanation, which can take a few minutes to run.
Once the explanation has been generated, scroll down to the graph, which shows the influence different features had in the model's outcome. Features in blue increased the final score, while those in red decreased it. For classification models, blue features contributed positively to the model's confidence in the prediction, while those in red decreased the confidence. Hover your cursor over the individual columns of the graph for more information.
Click on the Inspect tab. On this tab, you can alter values associated with the record and re-submit it to the model to see how the final risk calculation changes. This can be useful for understanding how the model is working, or if a policyholder is looking for ways to decrease their risk assessment.
You have successfully viewed the the model's prediction explanation.
View the updated lifecycle
- In your IBM watsonx platform browser window, click on the Navigation Menu in the upper left to expand it. Locate the AI governance section of the menu, expanding it if necessary, and click on AI use cases.
- Select the AI use case you created in lab 102 (ex.
<your initials or unique string> - Auto policy risk
) and click on the Lifecycle tab to view the lifecycle graph for this model's use case. Note that the entry for the model is now in the Validate section of the model lifecycle view, with an updated badge showing that it has been evaluated and a red alert providing a visual cue that the model may have issues. Click on the name of the deployed model (ex.<your initials or unique string> - Policy risk testing
- Scroll down to the Quality and Fairness sections of the model's factsheet. Note that the evaluation metrics generated by the IBM Watson OpenScale monitoring tool have automatically been stored on the model's factsheet, allowing stakeholders such as risk managers and data scientists access to information they need to assess model performance, with an optional link provided that will open the monitoring tool if they further information.
There is a quiz question on AI Factsheet.
You have successfully viewed the updated lifecycle from an evaluation on a predictive AI model.
Congratulations, you've reached the end of lab 106 for evaluating a predictive AI model and completed the L3 watsonx.governance labs.
You can now complete the quiz for IBM watsonx.governance for Technical Sales Level 3 Quiz.
Once the quiz is completed, click, IBM watsonx.governance to go to the IBM watsonx.governance home page.